Hocking Hills

There are hundreds of things to love about Hocking HillsOne of them is that it’s out of cell phone and Wi-Fi range. You can travel to cities all over the world and stay plugged in, but an hour southeast of Columbus there’s no choice but to unwind. We recently hit the hills for three precious days and left our laptops at home. Yes, at home. During our stay, we:

Roamed for miles at Cedar Falls and Conkle’s Hollow
Embraced the stillness of Rose Lake.
Journeyed through the past at the Logan Antique Mall.
Used every chance to gaze at stars.
Visited the Pencil Sharpener Museum.
Echoed our voices through the walls of Rock House.
Nestled by the fire with 40s crime novels.
Ate fried bananas and played Scrabble.
Talked to horses and laughed at woodpeckers.
Enjoyed breathing crisp air.
Discovered a Civil War cemetery along a quiet road.

So much can happen when you trade life’s bustle for the rustling of leaves.
