Doo Dah Parade

Think of the Columbus Doo Dah Parade as the Joan Rivers of promenades: kooky, raucous, and sometimes garish, but always entertaining. Yesterday marked the 27th anniversary of this Fourth of July procession. In every sense, this display of political satire, ribald pageantry, and pseudo-awkward exhibitionism is un-copy-able. Only a neighborhood filled with impassioned liberals and flagrant individualism would host such an event as this. Yes, that would be my neighborhood.

Similar to last year, the 2010 parade featured the Marching Fidels, Captain Ohio, Jim Maneri’s marching band, art cars, Rocky Horror Fishnet Mafia, and That Guy Who Looks Like James Brown. But this year we had some new additions: Ghostbusters, The Underground Orange Underwear Order, the Mad Hatter, a mini art car, viking-banning Arizonians, Columbus Sasquatch Control, and the Pedicab Smurfs. And lots of floats about that tiny oil leak in the Gulf. It was the perfect way to celebrate our nation’s independence — and exercise our own. Click here for more pictures.

Capn ohio
Marching band
Big art car
Fishnet mafia
James brown
Mad Hatter
Mini art car
Oil spill float