Authenticity, Thy Name is Pabst Blue Ribbon

Nothing feels better than a sincere brand. One that doesn’t try to be all things to all people but focuses on its true audience. When a company listens to and inspires its biggest fans, everyone wins. This was the case on Saturday at the PBR Parking Lot Art Party in downtown Columbus. Instead of an over-branded pseudo party with tube-topped girls slapping plastic necklaces around your neck, this was a celebration of urban culture, local art, and live music. Admission, food, posters, and screenprinted t-shirts were all free, and beer proceeds benefited the Ohio Art League. They even screenprinted the shirt I was wearing (see last photo). We ran into friends, made new ones, watched artists paint, listened to music, ate barbecued sandwiches, and drank PBR. It was one of those days when everything felt right. Here’s to more well-crafted Blue Ribbon times.

Parking Lot 1
Parking Lot 2
Parking Lot 3